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  • Probably Smut Ghost Dust Plug USB-C - Awfullynerdy.co

    Current Fan-Favorites

    Adorable USB-C Dust Plug or Hook Clasp Keychain. Perfect for Kindles, Phones, Handheld Gaming Devices, and more! Or clip it on to add a magical touch to any zipper.
  • Custom 12 Book Spine Mug - Awfullynerdy.co

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  • For our Swifties

    Checkout all our adorable music themed merch for anyone who is a Swiftie at heart.
  • Sticker Bundles

    Undoubtedly, our most sought-after stickers are our beloved bundles. It's a no-brainer... who wouldn't want additional stickers at a discounted rate? Not to mention, they're incredibly stunning!